Homes of Desire
HomeNews and Real Estate Trends For Coconut Grove & Coral Gables Luxury Real Estate
City News Category
Cloisters Dream Home with Championship Vibe! September 11th, 2012

As a current Cloisters on the Bay resident, I can only say that, although we are sad our NBA neighbor James Posey will be leaving our beautiful neighborhood, I am excited that a new person or family will get to share the grogeous views and Coconut Grove-vibe I am lucky enough to enjoy every day. The Grove is, in my opinion, one of the best parts of Miami to live in - just take a look at what Mr. Posey himself had...
Market Update – August 2012 August 24th, 2012

Miami home prices historically strong Limited housing supply and strong demand has seen home prices in Miami increase again in the second quarter of 2012, the latest data from the Miami Association of Realtors shows. The median sales price for single family homes in Miami Dade County rose 4% to $185,000 in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the second quarter of 2011, and 6% compared to the first quarter of 2012. And the median sales price for condominiums was $153,000,...
Tropical Storm Isaac is on his way…Are you ready? August 23rd, 2012

As Tropical Storm Isaac (hopefully never-to-be-called Hurricane Isaac) prepares to make his way through the Caribbean and onwards towards South Florida, now is the time to make sure you are ready for all the what-if scenarios that come with storms of this nature. NBC provides us with a great Hurricane Preparedness List that can be found by clicking here. It's never too late to get stocked up, and it's definitely better to be safe rather than sorry. Last September I wrote a...
Back to School Means Back to Real Estate August 20th, 2012

For many of you, today was officially the end of summer as you got back into your routine of morning drop-offs, carpools and after-school activities. In the real estate world this means our "slow" months are also winding down, as people are turning their attention away from vacation plans and back to finding their next home or deciding whether or not now is the right time to sell their current one. I can tell you that now is a great time to sell,...
The Man Behind Grove at Grand Bay’s Lush Landscape August 9th, 2012

The Grove at Grand Bay is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about developments in Miami, and much of that buzz is based on the beautiful renderings being touted around the real estate community. Ocean Drive magazine recently profiled famed landscape architect, Raymond Jungles, who is working alongside Danish architect Bjarke Ingels on this Coconut Grove project: Dressed in white linen pants, a light brown shirt—untucked—and suede loafers, Raymond Jungles stops mid-sentence at a muted rumble of thunder. “We should sit over...
Miami Heats Up in August! August 2nd, 2012

Although the summer is winding down, and back-to-school time is around the corner, Miami's social calendar is showing no signs of slowing down! I am always checking for updates on what to do and where to go in our gorgeous city, and here is what they recommend we check out this month (I'm especially excited for the Home Show!): MIAMI Spice Aug. 1 - Sept. 30 Where: Various participating restaurants throughout Miami. More information at Calling all foodies! Get up close...
Village of Merrick Park Gets a New Name! July 27th, 2012

As reported in today's Miami Herald, the Village of Merrick Park, Coral Gable's fabulous shopping mecca, has changed its name. The new title: Merrick Shops. The reasoning behind this change: “The Village of Merrick Park name really didn’t reasonate with shoppers,” said Kerem Kayser, senior general manager. “We believe it caused a lot of confusion in the maketplace. We wanted our name to distinctly represent that we are an exclusive shopping destination.” I'd love to know your thoughts on how this...
Where Have the Peacocks Gone? July 25th, 2012

The Coconut Grove peacocks are missing! How could that be, and who would get rid of them and why? These are the questions on minds of many Groveites recently. Certainly, this is not a case of the peacocks wandering off on their own to check out another neighborhood to call home. This is serious news because our brilliantly colored, feathered friends don’t just venture away from home here in the Grove on their own. It is bothersome to learn that...
UPDATE: Scotty’s Landing Fate is Now Uncertain July 16th, 2012

Just three weeks ago, I wrote a blog post to update you all on the status of a beloved Coconut Grove establishment, Scotty's Landing. It seems that as of last week things have changed, and now all the proposals presented to Miami officials, including the "winning" one, have been scrapped. The city officials will now start from scratch to find the new tenant to take over the land that has long been home to Scotty's Landing and Grove Key Marina...
It’s Another Wonderful Day in Our Miami Heat Neighborhood! So . . . Is Everybody Happy? July 11th, 2012

Welcome to Miami, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Allen! You better believe "Your Miami Heat” fans share my sentiments all the same: "We are crazy-happy about having you join our Championship NBA Miami Heat team!" According to today's Miami Herald (oh, yeah, and all over Facebook and Twitter), Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis have officially teamed up with the Big Three for what is sure to be another exciting season! Priorities shifting by the day in Miami--with all the buzz. Just gotta...